Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Engaging the Latino Vote in a Close Presidential Election: Avoiding Past Pitfalls


Recent polls reveal that the race for president is very close as the November election approaches, so significant efforts will be devoted by both the Harris and Trump campaigns to target voter segments that could tip the scales in their favor.  The Harris campaign recently visited the Texas border to demonstrate its commitment to controlling illegal immigration and just announced that they will initiate a Latino advertising campaign to engage this important voter segment.  However, gaining more Latino voter support is likely to be fruitless if campaign strategists rely on the same tactics used to engage Latino voters in past political campaigns, especially in the current toxic environment that is constantly demonizing Latinos.  Following are some tactical points suggested from past research that the Harris campaign should consider to enhance Latino voter support. 

 Confusion About Latino Voter Segments 

As shown by this figure,  Pew Research projected that there will be 36.2 million Latinos who are eligible to vote in November 2024, representing 14.7 percent of all eligible voters. Native-born Latinos represent 76 percent of these eligible voters, while naturalized U.S. citizens (foreign-born segment) represent 24 percent. Why is this important?  Because past campaigns have often designed their Latino campaigns primarily with Spanish-language messages that are more relevant to foreign-born voters and assumed that existing English-language messages for general audiences would be effective in communicating with native-born Latino voters.  Decades of past research, however, confirms that native-born Latinos primarily consume English-language media and have a fragile grasp of the Spanish language. This long-standing misperception about language usage has resulted in substantially fewer advertising expenditures placed in English-language media that is consumed more frequently by native-born Latino voters.  Clearly, a more balanced media strategy is needed that concentrates on the larger segment of Latino eligible voters who communicate primarily in English.

Messaging:  In recent debates and campaign advertisements, the Harris campaign has devoted minimal attention to challenging the constant demonizing of Latinos with falsehoods, while an immediate challenge was made about the falsehoods related to Haitian immigrants in Springfield Ma. More trust in Kamala Harris would likely result if future Harris campaign ads and public appearances would challenge the constant falsehoods about Latinos, such as:

·       Jobs are being taken away from American workers.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, immigrants in large part take jobs that U.S. born American workers do not want due to lower wages or dangerous working conditions. Foreign-born workers, especially the undocumented, are concentrated in jobs that are essential to the economy, such as construction, food, farming and services. Without immigrant labor, the cost of housing, food and other essential services would rise significantly for American consumers.  Instead of taking jobs from American workers, thousands of U.S. jobs are generated each year by the fast-growing immigrant-owned businesses.

·       Illegal immigrants into the U.S. include many criminals that are leading to rising crime rates. The Cato Institute, experts in the study of crime rates and immigration status, concluded in their 2024 study of illegal immigration and homicide rates that native-born Texans had a homicide rate that was 26 percent higher than illegal immigrants. Similar trends in crime rates have been observed in other U.S. communities.

·       An invasion by illegal immigrants at the southern border continues to increase and poses a continuing threat. According to a recent report from the U.S. Custom and Border Protection, border encounters decreased substantially over the past fiscal year from 240,932 in October 2023 to 104,116 in July 2024 – a 77 percent decrease – primarily due to the Biden administration executive actions to shut of access to the U.S. asylum system for migrants who enter illegally.

Perhaps it is time to retire the traditional messaging used in past political campaigns and replace it with more relevant messages that underscore the significant contributions made by Latinos to the U.S. Economists confirm that illegal immigrants, for example, have paid millions into the Social Security and Medicare systems that has helped keep them in a better financial position since undocumented immigrants pay taxes into these systems but are not qualified to receive the benefits.  In states like Texas with a high concentration of immigrants, immigrant spending power in 2014 was $89.6 billion that resulted in $29.1 billion in tax contributions to the state.  In cities like Dallas, Texas where immigrants comprise 23 percent of the population, immigrant households earned $10,7 billion in income of which $1.6 billion were paid to federal taxes and $900.6 million to state and local taxes, according to the Economic Impact Report: New Americans. Lastly, in times of war, immigrants have defended the nation in every major conflict and proven to be an invaluable resource due to their knowledge of different languages and cultures.  

In her recent visit to the Texas border, Kamala Harris focused attention on stronger enforcement of immigration enforcement at the border and placed secondary importance on the process of providing a pathway to legalize immigrants.  However, she also emphasized that America is a land of immigrants – a reminder that immigrants of all backgrounds have a history of helping to build this country. Would reminding Latino voters and non-Latino voters about these significant contributions tip the scales in favor of Kamala Harris?  I believe it would. 

Note:  I welcome your feedback. Please send your comments to edward@rinconassoc.com

Edward T. Rincón, Ph.D.

Please visit our website to learn more about our multicultural research services. www.rinconassoc.com

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Mass Deportations: Time for a Re-fresh on Immigration Facts


It comes as no surprise that the Republicans for Trump are aggressively amplifying the campaign promise of deporting 15 million illegal immigrants if he is elected President – a strategy that resonates well with Republican voters since it blames illegal immigrants for such hot button issues as rising crime rates, taking jobs from American citizens, and generally destroying the U.S. economy.  Recent polls show that immigration remains a top concern among American voters, suggesting that voters are willing to accept Trump’s allegations about undocumented immigrants as factual.  When vice-presidential candidate JD Vance was asked in a recent interview just how this mass deportation would be implemented, his response was limited to stopping illegal entry at the border as a starting point but did not elaborate any details about the enormous undertaking of deporting millions of families residing in the U.S.  Past history points to three likely outcomes:  (a) setting up concentration camps for undocumented families, similar to the Japanese experience during World War II, (b) separation of families at the Texas border where many children were not returned to their families, or (c) deporting families to countries experiencing considerable violence. The hysteria related to mass deportations may be influencing perceptions of the Trump campaign.

Several recent polls suggest that the tide is turning in favor of Kamala Harris, an unexpected change that may influence the willingness of Trump supporters to embrace the idea of mass deportations. Consider the following:

·        Recent polls of registered voters revealed that Harris has a consistent edge over Trump ranging from 4- 5 percent. Indeed, compared to last July, Harris (60%) has almost doubled her support by Democratic voters compared to Biden (34%), while support for Trump by Republican voters changed by only 3 percent since last July.

·       Support for Harris has also increased among Independent voters whose support since last July has increased by 11 percent compared to just 4 percent for Trump.

·       Importantly, one recent poll of Latino voters by Siena College revealed strong support for Harris at 57 percent with support for Trump lagging far behind at 38 percent – a substantial improvement from previous polls of Latino voters.  The recent endorsement of Harris by the League of Latino United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) could be helpful as well.

·       Trump stated in a recent interview at the National Association of Black Journalists convention that “there’s an invasion of people coming into the country, and the Black population is affected most by that.” The degree to which Black voters believe this assertion is unknown, although it underscores the need for the Harris campaign to publicly challenge this statement.  

·       While national polls between 2016 to 2024 show that Black support for Trump had been steadily increasing, a recent poll of Black male registered voters by HIT Strategies in key states showed that 66 percent planned to vote for Harris while only 17 percent planned to vote for Trump.  Black voters supporting Trump felt that they were left behind by Biden on social issues and policy failures.

·       A more recent poll conducted by YouGov for CBS immediately after the Democratic Convention revealed decidedly higher support among Black voters for Harris (82%) compared to Trump (17%), and increased support among Hispanic voters for Harris (58%) versus Trump (41%). 

·       In an apparent sign of desperation, Trump’s campaign has even created a fake ad using AI showing that Taylor Swift supports Trump – which Taylor Swift quickly denied.

Interestingly, these trends point to a potential window of opportunity for Democrats to give an additional boost to the Harris campaign,  especially in states like Texas, California, New York and others that include large numbers of Latino and Black voters.  Indeed, the additional boost provided by Latino and Black voters could make a substantial difference in a close race.

The extra boost could happen by more clearly defining to voters that, instead of a threat to the U.S. quality of life, immigrants represent a valuable asset.  This extra boost could be accomplished by encouraging journalists to (a) to conduct more thorough fact checks about the falsehoods related to immigrants and (b) reminding voters of the significant contributions that immigrants have made to the U.S. quality of life.

Fact Checking the Falsehoods

News stories often allow the demonizing of immigrants to continue with minimal efforts devoted  to challenge the factual basis for these falsehoods. Coincidentally, Trump is now using border crossings in his rallies to falsely claim credit for the lowest border crossings before he left office. By assertively challenging these falsehoods, audiences may reject or re-consider embracing statements that demonize immigrants.  Following are three falsehoods that should receive immediate attention:

·       Allegation: Border crossings by illegal immigrants continue to increase and bring many criminals and drugs into the U.S.

Fact Check:  According to a recent report from the U.S. Custom and Border Protection (See Figure 1 below), border encounters decreased substantially over the past fiscal year from 240,932 in October 2023 to 104,116 in July 2024 – a 77 percent decrease.  Compared to FY 2023 (dark blue line), this trend reflects a substantial improvement for FY 2024. Credit for this decrease is given to the Biden administration executive actions to shut off access to the U.S. asylum system for migrants who enter illegally and the Mexican government efforts to tighten enforcement at the border.

Figure 1

Source:  U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Encounters  by Fiscal Years 2023 and 2024 (YTD), Accessed on August 17, 2024.

·       Allegation:  Illegal immigrants into the U.S. include many criminals that are leading to rising crime rates.

Fact Check:  The Cato Institute is recognized for its expertise in the study of crime rates and immigration status.  In their 2018 analysis, the investigators concluded that the facts about immigrant crime rates have established over numerous studies that immigrants do not increase local crime rates, are less likely to cause crime and less likely to be incarcerated than their native-born. In their 2024 study of illegal immigration and homicide rates in Texas, investigators concluded that native-born Texans had a higher homicide rate that was 26 percent higher than illegal immigrants. Over the ten years from 2013 to 2022, the homicide conviction rate in Texas for illegal immigrants was 2.2 per 100,000, compared to 3.0 per 100,000 for native-born Americans and 1.2 per 100,000 legal immigrants.   The state of Texas is one of few states that uniquely keeps data on the immigration status of those arrested and convicted of crimes.  The Texas data may or may not generalize to other states.

·       Allegation:   Immigrants are taking jobs away from Americans.

Fact Check:  In a recent analysis in 2024 by Axios.com, the investigators reported that the notion that immigrants take jobs from U.S. workers has been refuted by economists for years. This conclusion also applies to the recent statement by Trump that the invasion by immigrants into the U.S. was mostly affecting the Black population – also a falsehood.

In 2023, foreign-born workers (including legal and undocumented immigrants), comprised 18.6 percent of the U.S. civilian labor force according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Foreign-born workers, especially the undocumented, are concentrated in such jobs that are considered essential to the economy, such as construction, food, farming, and services. Without immigrant labor, the cost of housing, food, and other essential services would rise significantly for American consumers. These jobs tend to pay lower wages, are often dangerous, and offer little to no insurance benefits. Some occupations like construction and farming result in injuries and exposure to toxic chemicals. It comes as no surprise that native-born American workers do not aggressively seek such occupations.

Immigrant Contributions to the U.S. Quality of Life

The contributions made by immigrants, both legal and undocumented, to the quality of life in the U.S. is not a common topic discussed in daily news reports.  Yet, their contributions have been documented in various areas as discussed below.

·       Economic Power:  In their report on Taxes and Spending Power,  The New American Economy reports key indicators of the extent to which immigrants support the U.S. economy.   In 2014, the spending power of the nation’s foreign born was estimated at $926.9 billion while their total tax contributions were $328.2 billion.   Hispanic immigrants provided a total spending power of $300.0 billion with federal tax contributions of $56.4 billion.  Immigrant spending power in Texas was $89.6 billion which represented 17.1 percent of total immigrant spending power. Texas also benefited by $29.1 billion of tax contributions by immigrants. Spending power provides immigrants considerable power to buy goods and services, which strengthens the U.S. economy, provides jobs to American workers and supports businesses.

·       Business Formation:    Immigrants are more likely to start businesses than the U.S. born.  The National Immigration Forum reports that the entrepreneurship rate for immigrants in 2015 was 11.5 percent while it was 9.5 percent for the U.S. born. Immigrant-owned businesses generated $65.5 billion in income in 2024, and 40.2 percent of immigrant firms were listed in the Fortune 500. Immigrant businesses also tend to revive neighborhoods, create jobs and spur further economic development.

·       Social Security and Medicare:  Experts have observed for many years that Illegal immigration has helped to keep Social Security and Medicare in a better financial position. This happens for one clear reason: although illegal immigrants are generally not eligible to collect Social Security and Medicare benefits, many still pay taxes into these two systems. As long as the illegal immigrants remain ineligible for benefits, these taxes function as free contributions to the trust funds.

·       Military Participation:  Since the nation’s founding, immigrants have defended the nation in every major conflict and proven to be an invaluable resource in conflicts requiring knowledge of different languages and cultures.  As of 2022, Military Times reported 731,000 foreign-born veterans in the U.S., representing 4.5 percent of the nation’s 16.2 million veterans.  Moreover, of the 3,400 Medals of Honor awarded since the Civil War, 22 percent have been awarded to immigrants.  


All things considered, immigrants – both legal and undocumented -- continue to be an enormous asset to the quality of life in the U.S., including the economic assets, labor supply for essential services, job creation, defense of our country in global conflicts, business formation, and scientific competitiveness.  By focusing on the relatively few although tragic murders of Americans committed by undocumented immigrants, Republicans have created a significant amount of hysteria that generalizes to both undocumented and legal immigrants to the detriment of voter support for Democratic candidates.  The isolated number of homicides committed by undocumented immigrants distract attention from a history of mass shootings by native-born Americans and evidence confirming a higher homicide rate by native-born Americans than undocumented immigrants. Moreover, the number of border crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border has decreased in the most recent fiscal year by 77 percent, pointing to great progress by the Biden administration in controlling the flow of undocumented immigrants.   Kamala Harris is indeed gaining momentum in the race for president, but the Harris campaign will continue to be threatened by persistent Republican messaging that focuses attention on American murders committed by undocumented immigrants.  Therefore, it is urgent that Democrats diffuse the Republican message about the danger of undocumented immigrants by reminding the public about the many immigrant contributions to the U.S. quality of life and their lower crime profile that reinforces their respect for U.S. laws.

Note:  I welcome your feedback. Please send your comments to edward@rinconassoc.com

Edward T. Rincón, Ph.D.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Translations: Lessons learned for better outcomes

Translating documents, advertisements or other materials can be a real headache for many organizations, especially with periodic news stories reporting on the explosive growth of groups, like Asians and Latinos. For example, one recent report by the Census Bureau cited in Texas Tribune tells us that Asians now have a higher population growth rate in Texas (5.5%) – faster than the overall population growth rate for the state of 1.6 percent.[1]  Latinos, however, continue to fuel a majority of the population growth in Texas and many U.S. communities.  The projected population growth in Texas is vividly illustrated by Figure 1 below. [2]

 Figure 1 Projected Texas Population by Race/Ethnicity


According to these projections of the Texas population by the Texas Demographic Center (January 2019), the period between 2020 and 2050 will realize a dramatic multicultural population boom of 108.9 percent for Non-Hispanic Blacks, 509.7 percent for Non-Hispanic Asians, and 113.4 percent for Hispanics – indeed, a significant change that is likely to  significantly increase the demand for language translation services. The same report revealed that four of the top ten counties in Texas that are projected to absorb this growth are located in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metro area (see Table 1 below):  Collin County (1.7 million persons); Denton County (1.7 million persons); Dallas County (1.4 million persons); and Tarrant County (1.4 million persons).  If your organization serves or plans to serve Asian and Latino persons with your services or products, a sound translation strategy will be especially important. 

Indeed, one medical institution recently contacted me with an urgent question:  With so many Asian groups in Dallas County, which languages should be targeted for translation?  This sense of urgency is especially acute in industries related to healthcare, legal, and public safety where even minor errors in translation can have serious consequences. For example, communications and medical interventions in linguistically diverse U.S. communities during the Covid-19 pandemic were compromised by the absence of information regarding the racial-ethnic identity and language characteristics of highly impacted communities.    Indeed, about 22 Asian countries are represented in North Texas by the Census Bureau while Latinos are represented by 21 countries – numbers that clearly underscore the need for translation support.  Moreover, Asian countries include hundreds of languages with different dialects.[3]  And while Spanish is common to Spanish-speaking countries, their dialects are known to vary across these countries.[4]

 Table 1: Top 10 Texas Counties with Greatest Numeric Change between 2010 and 2050


 The translation strategy that an organization adopts, however, can produce negative outcomes and undermine community goodwill if not done carefully and professionally.  To clear up some of the confusion associated with translations, I would like to share some lessons learned from my 45 years of practical experience in conducting surveys and experiments with Latinos and Asians for a broad spectrum of private, public and academic clients.  While I am not a linguistics expert, I have studied the use of language in these studies, and this experience has been reinforced by teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in Hispanic marketing, multicultural research methods, survey research methods, statistics, and mass communications. Thus, the lessons learned are not just subjective impressions about language usage but grounded in academic and real-world experiences. Although I have addressed language translation issues in the past, recent events pointed to the need for an update on this topic.

 Lesson 1:  The language that Latinos and Asians use to communicate is not uniform and shaped by key characteristics such as age, nativity, income and education. 

For example, a non-English or foreign language is more likely to be used by persons who are foreign-born, older, less educated and lower income. Persons who are are more likely to communicate in English include persons who are native born, younger, higher income and more educated groups. Language usage is also likely to vary in terms of the context:  reading a book, listening to a medical provider, watching television, or talking with friends or family members.  Consequently, prior to initiating a translation process, it is very important to identify the specific target audience within the Latino or Asian household or communities that the translated document is designed to benefit. A good rule of thumb is to provide both English and native-language documents to ensure adequate coverage of all members of a household.

 Lesson 2:  A head nod is not sufficient to confirm understanding of a translated document.

 It is often the case that a Latino or Asian person is presented a form to complete a transaction or register for a program or service.  Attorneys, healthcare providers, and mortgage companies often present documents that need signatures on documents that involve important decisions. In such circumstances, the customer is typically asked if they understand what is being explained or what they are reading, and a head nod or “yes” response is usually accepted as confirmation that the information was “understood.”  But is this type of confirmation a valid one?   Perhaps not if there is no follow-up to determine that the information was really understood.  Latinos and Asians, especially immigrants, will often confirm that they understand an instruction or a document to save face and not admit that they lack the ability to read or understand that language. Consequently, it is important to ask these customers to explain or demonstrate their comprehension of an instruction by asking them to repeat in their own words what the instruction means or asking them to physically demonstrate their comprehension. In a healthcare setting, for example, it would be advisable to ask a Latino or Asian to repeat, in their own words, the instructions for taking their medication(s) – clearly a more valid measure of comprehension than a simple head nod.

 Lesson 3:  Translators are not the last word on language translations.

 Over the past years, I have used translators for a variety of tasks using different languages and value the function that they serve. In one national study of Latinos, African Americans and Asians, our firm conducted surveys in five languages (English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese) using mail, online and telephone survey methods – quite a challenge indeed. Over the years, I have learned to appreciate the value of a certified translator with experience in the subject matter at hand, whether legal, healthcare, insurance, etc. – which helps to reassure clients about the accuracy of the translation. However, it is a mistake to think that your job is done when a translator submits their finished product.  In addition to the accuracy of the translated document, it is equally important to know who the intended audience will be and their ability to read and understand the document.  Translators do not always know who the intended audience is and sometimes produce documents whose reading difficulty level is too high or include words or phrases that are unfamiliar to the intended audience. Mandy Sha, a Chinese research colleague of mine, was part of a research team that conducted a usability test of a Census Bureau questionnaire with Chinese respondents who could read and write in Chinese but had limited English-language proficiency. The investigators discovered several problems with the translated questionnaire, such as sentence structure or verb tense, grammar, lack of context, name order, validation rules and navigation instructions. [5]  By conducting a copy test, pilot test or usability study of a translated document, one can have the added assurance that the appropriate communication has been established with the targeted consumer.    Hence, your target audience, not the translator, should have the last word on the acceptability of a translated document or other material.

 Lesson 4:  Speaking a language is not an automatic qualifier for reading or writing in that language.

 Naïve marketers are often surprised to observe that Latinos or Asians can be conversing in their native language quite comfortably but may have difficulty when asked to read or write a document in that language. What some marketers fail to understand is that a language usually includes four basic functions --  reading, speaking, writing, and listening --  and proficiency in one of these functions does not necessarily mean proficiency in the other functions. In addition, many immigrants coming from Asian or Spanish-speaking countries may lack formal education and cannot read or write in any language, while more educated immigrants may be more literate in their native language.  By better understanding the origins and educational background of Latinos and Asians, marketers can develop communications that will be understood by their target audiences. Thus, one should always consider the language function being utilized when evaluating a translated document. It is insufficient to just ask a Latino or Asian person in which language they prefer to communicate since it is important to know whether their language preferences are dependent on the language function (i.e., reading, speaking, writing, listening) and the specific task or activity that they are engaged in (i.e., watching television, reading a book, talking with family, listening to music, conversing with medical staff).  So, learn to be situation specific in asking Latinos or Asians which language they prefer for communications.

 Lesson 5:  While the U.S. Census Bureau collects language usage data about Asians and Latinos, it can be misleading.

 Organizations often quote language statistics collected by the Census Bureau as evidence about the number of native-language households that reside in the U.S. at any point in time.  The quality of this language data, however, is limited in several ways.  First, one question in the American Community Survey asks:  “Does this person speak a language other than English at home?” If the question is answered “yes,” then the next question that follows is: “What is this language?  Thus, we learn from these two questions the number of persons that speak Spanish or another language.  But it does not ask how well Spanish or other non-English languages are spoken – referred to as language proficiency.  Thus, if a person utters one word in Spanish, then they are classified as a Spanish speaker or Spanish-language household. How well they speak Spanish does not seem to matter here. 

English is the only language where proficiency is asked:  “How well does this person speak English?” – to which one is provided four options:  “Very well,” “Well,” “Not well,” and “Not at all.”  While this type of language proficiency question is useful in providing some guidance on how well a person speaks the English language, other research that I have summarized elsewhere shows that Latinos tend to over-estimate their language skills on self-reported measures like the one used by the Census Bureau – a consequence of social desirability.  That is, native-born Latinos who are more English-language proficient often want others to think that they speak Spanish better than they actually do.  Immigrants, who are more Spanish-language proficient, often want others to think that they speak English better than they actually do.  Even when they claim proficiency in both languages, most native-born Latinos will choose an English-language interview when given a choice, while most Latino immigrants will choose a Spanish-language interview.  Hence, the language that a Latino chooses when provided a choice is a more valid indicator of their language dominance than their self-reported language proficiency.  Our experience suggests that Latinos should always be provided the choice of English or Spanish when asked to complete a task – such as an interview or a written document. This simple procedure will usually assure that you will get a more valid response.  Thus, the Census Bureau language questions, while useful, are crude measures of language behavior that should be used cautiously when evaluating the language behavior of U.S. Latinos or Asians.

 Lesson 6:  Using Latino or Asian employees to translate documents is risky.

 As a shortcut, some companies will utilize Latino or Asian employees to translate documents or interpret on the spot when the situation demands it.  Unless you know the training and education of that employee, you are taking unnecessary risks in assigning them this responsibility. Latinos or Asians who are born in the U.S. rarely study their native language formally in school and rely on the native language that they have heard or used growing up in their communities – often a mixture of English and a native language.  Important documents that relate to personnel procedures, healthcare, safety, insurance or legal matters should only be translated by a certified translator and evaluated by a usability test to ensure that persons in the target audience understand the translated documents or other visual aids.  Experience also suggests that graphic symbols, such as those used in hazard warning signs, also have cultural components that may not communicate the same message to culturally diverse groups. Copy or usability testing is especially important with exhibits that include hazard or warning signs that often rely on graphic symbols since they are used to warn or prevent injuries or accidents. Employees who live in the local area and have some familiarity with a native language can be helpful in identifying informal words or phrases spoken by local Latinos or Asians instead of more formal words or phrases.  For example, automóvil is the formal word uses for automobiles although the word “carro” is often used by some Mexican residents.  

 Lesson 7:  Knowing a language does not necessarily mean that you know the culture.

 In the employment world, many occupations require proficiency in one or several languages.  While proficiency in a language other than English is a definite asset in many jobs, it should not be confused with knowledge of a particular culture.  It is not uncommon, for example, for a foreign-born Latino or Asian with an excellent command of their native language to receive more consideration for a job than a similarly educated Asian or Latino whose native language proficiency is not as well polished --  the assumption being that a higher language proficiency also means more knowledge or experience with the culture.  This assumption may not necessarily be a valid one since a native-born Latino or Asian may indeed have more knowledge of the U.S. Latino or Asian culture than a foreign-born Latino or Asian who happens to communicate well in a native language. If the job involves responsibilities with U.S. Latino or Asian consumers, then knowledge of the U.S. Latino or Asian culture should be just as important in employment decisions as proficiency in a language.

 Lesson 8:  Language ability depends on sight and sound as well.

 My experience in conducting focus groups with Latinos and Asians has shown that their ability to understand a written document or verbal instruction is sometimes influenced by limitations related to visual acuity and hearing impairments.  Indeed, past research on vital statistics reveals that Latinos (11.2%), Blacks (10.0%), and Asians (9.7%) have trouble hearing, while vision limitations were reported for Blacks (9.3%), Latinos (9.4%), and Asians (5.7%). [6] Persons with vision or hearing limitations will not readily admit when they are unable to see very clearly, but an astute observer will notice non-verbal cues that suggest a vision problem.  Similarly, hearing impairments can be subtle and not usually something that will be readily apparent.  As a moderator, I have addressed such issues by reading a document out loud so that everyone can hear and understand the instructions and ensure that any written documents are provided in large fonts to enhance their readability. Rather than embarrass a person because they cannot see or hear very well, it makes more sense to offer options that will allow all persons to participate in the task or activity. 

 Lesson 9:  Is your target audience really diverse? How many languages need to be translated?

Occasionally, I have received calls asking how many languages need to be included in translating important documents, especially as it concerns Asian communities.  Because the Census Bureau data clearly shows “wide diversity” in some communities that represent multiple Asian countries, it becomes perplexing for some decision makers to determine which languages should be targeted for translation.  The solution, however, is rather simple.  The Census Bureau provides tables that show the country of origin represented in any community by geographic areas in the U.S. and its territories – currently there are 22 Asian countries and 22 Spanish-speaking countries counted by these Census tables. After consulting these tables, for example, one can just focus on translating a document for the countries that account for a majority of the population of Asian persons.  Although Spanish would be the only relevant language for the 22 Spanish-speaking countries, one can expect variations in dialects, idioms, and vocabulary depending on the concentration of these groups in any community. Knowing that a community is mostly Mexican, for example, might be a consideration for the translator to utilize idioms or vocabulary that are more commonly used by Mexican-origin persons.

 Lesson 10:  Using accents in Spanish translations or diacritical marks in Asian languages is essential.

Accents in Spanish-language text and diacritical marks in Asian languages are important linguistic features that help to guide the reader in the proper pronunciation and interpretation of a word or phrase.[7]  Without these linguistic features, foreign-language speakers are likely to mis-pronounce or misinterpret words or phrases.  Special keyboards are typically used to produce accents or diacritical marks. A translated document that lacks these linguistic features suggests that the translator was not adequately trained or lacked the proper tools to complete this task. You should avoid sharing translated documents with Latino or Asian persons without the required accents or diacritical marks. 

Lesson 11:   Language gets more complicated for messaging in advertisements.

If your translation efforts are focused on advertising messages, you will be faced with additional challenges that will likely exceed the skill set of a translator since this is not their area of expertise.  Indeed, you will need the help of a qualified advertising or public relations professional that has been trained in this area.  You will now have two areas of concern --  language translation and persuasive messaging – which is likely to vary considerably depending on the demographic subgroups that you are targeting.  For example, younger Latinos or Asians will likely be more responsive to an English-language advertisement although it has become popular for youths to mix English and a native-language in their communications. Older Latinos or Asians will likely be more responsive to advertisements that do not mix the languages which could be perceived as an indifference to proper grammar in that language.  To ensure the acceptance and approval of an advertisement, you should plan to conduct focus group copy testing of these ads before they are launched with the appropriate target audience to remove any uncertainties.

Lesson 12:  Providing language options also helps to build rapport.

 I have learned from past experiences that some organizations consider it burdensome to provide support in a language other than English to their customers – citing such issues as additional costs related to translators, bilingual staff, printing, advertisements and customer support.  However, one important benefit of providing support for non-English languages is the rapport that is established with Latino and Asian persons.  In our survey practice, for example, cooperation rates among Latino or Asian respondents are often improved when they are given the choice of a native language or English language interview – especially if the interview includes a foreign-born person.  Improved rapport not only leads to higher cooperation rates, but often results in the successful completion of the entire interview and better quality data that results from better comprehension of the survey questions. With higher survey response rates, the additional costs for support a language other than English are often justified.

 Note:  I welcome your feedback on the post.  Please send all comments or requests for a pdf version to edward@rinconassoc.com

Reference Notes

[1] Garcia, B.  (June 2024).  Fastest growing group in Texas:  Asian Americans.  Texas Tribune, Accessed at: https://www.texastribune.org/2024/06/26/texas-asian-american-growth-census/ 

[2] Potter, L., Valencia, L., Robinson, S. (January 2019). Texas Population Projections 2010 to 2050, Texas Demhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Asiaographic Center.  Accessed at:  https://www.demographics.texas.gov/

[3]  Wikipedia (2024). Languages of Asia,  Accessed at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Asia

[4] (August 2024).  Spanish dialects and varieties.  Wikipedia.org, Accessed at:  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_dialects_and_varieties

[5] Wang, L., Sha, M. and Yuan, M. (2017).  Cultural fitness in the usability of U.S. Census Internet survey.  Survey Practice, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2017.  Accessed at www.surveypractice.org

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